Big Brother Big Sister Meeting


Asian ambassador promoting BBS Hey everyone, we just visited the Big Brothers Big Sisters of Greater Houston Head Office. I want you to check it out. BBBS was one of our grandees. They asked us to help promote their organization to the Asia community. It was an honor for us to have no less than the 3 VIP's of #BigBrothersBigSisters (BBBS) present to us the goals and objectives of the organization: Steve McDaniel, Chairman, Executive Board of BBBS Pierce Bush, CEO of BBBS and the grandson of former President George W. Bush. Pierce carries the advocacy of his family's legacy and he started out as a volunteer and continues to be a big brother for a little big for the past eight years; And there is Tracy Dieterich, Senior Vice-President, Wells Fargo Insurance Services USA Inc. a former Big Brother himself and now one of Big Brother Big Sister's volunteer, donor and Big Brother mentor. Visit Big Brothers Big Sisters' Official Website and Sign Up to Volunteer or consider to Donate Now!!!! to help make a difference!!!


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