AAYGC Highlight - Pearl


We can never be more proud of our AAYGC Leaders who are continuously working on enhancing their craft and making sure to share it with others.

Now we would like to highlight Pearl Zhang and her contribution to the community through Kung Fu. For the past 6 weeks, she has been teaching a series of workshops, incorporating Kung fu into study strategies which she called Active Learners as the workshops combine exercise with learning. The main goal with Active Learners was to teach elementary and middle school kids effective ways to learn, as the learning process itself is the base for future success, whether that be academically, athletically, or virtually any other aspect of life that requires learned skills. 


At the beginning of each class, she would start by teaching the kids some Kung fu in order to better prepare their minds for the information to be presented later which are the mental benefits of Kung fu including improved concentration and focus, and definitely contribute to increasing efficiency in learning. Overall, Pearl taught a holistic approach to learning since multiple factors of peoples' lives affect their learning. Through teaching these kids, she said: “I personally have gained more knowledge about the learning process, and I hope in the future I can continue to both gain more knowledge and pass it on to others.” 

Thank you Pearl for sharing your knowledge with the kids! We hope that you continue to help them in your own way. We look forward to more workshops in the coming months!

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If you would like to watch one of the workshops she conducted, you may watch it below:


AAYGC helping with Meals for Unity


AAYGC Highlight - Madeline